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Time Lost Page 9
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Page 9
Kit licked his lower lip. “If that’s all you want.”
“I’m not looking for long-term.”
“Good.” Kit pulled Jacob’s mouth hard onto his. He shivered pleasantly as Jacob’s hands tightened against his back. “My place isn’t too far.”
There were taxi-pods outside, and as soon as they were in and on their way, Kit crowded Jacob back against the seat. It had been a long while since he’d had the urge, but now it was there and it was stoked, he wasn’t about to let it go to waste.
Their mouths met, and it was good. Jacob knew what he was doing. His tongue darted against Kit’s, and he tangled one hand into Kit’s hair. If they’d had longer, Kit knew he’d have had his hand down Jacob’s trousers right there and then.
They only broke apart when the pod door slid open and the chime indicated they should vacate the vehicle.
Kit didn’t even hesitate before leading Jacob into the block of flats.
Admittedly, there was a moment where he remembered that a policeman now knew where he lived, but since he wanted said policeman to get into the flat, and in or on him—no preference—it was kind of necessary.
As soon as they were in the lift, Kit could not have been happier when Jacob pushed him up against the wall and kissed him senseless.
“You don’t like lifts, do you?” Jacob murmured against his lips as Kit clung to him.
Kit shook his head, then hissed between his teeth as Jacob laid a trail of stinging bites down his throat. “Christ!”
If Jacob was having any doubts, it didn’t show. Especially not in the way he got Kit’s belt undone and his hand down the front of his trousers. Kit’s head knocked back against the polished mirror, one arm wrapped around Jacob’s shoulders, the other clinging to the handrail out of habit.
“There’s a camera,” he panted out.
Jacob lifted his head, glancing around the lift, and to Kit’s bemused delight, he gave the camera a nod and a wink. Kit dissolved into helpless laughter, which earned another of those dimpling smiles from Jacob.
“Was that a hint to get my hand out of your trousers?”
“For two minutes,” Kit reluctantly agreed. He pulled Jacob back and kissed him again. “I appreciate the distraction.”
“What do you do when there’s no one here?”
Kit raised his eyebrows. “Stairs.”
“Seriously? We’re on the….” Jacob glanced above the door as the lift stopped. “Jesus. Thirteen floors? No wonder you’re as skinny as a rake.”
Kit made a face. “Pardon me for not enjoying the sensation of being suspended over a terminal drop.” He caught Jacob’s hand with one hand, and his trousers with the other, and pulled the man out of the lift into the hall.
“You could go for a lower floor.”
“I could,” Kit agreed, as they neared his door. He swiped his key card over the entry panel and pressed his fingertips to the console. The console flashed green and the door slid aside. “But then, I wouldn’t have this….”
The door opened straight into the sprawling living room. The vertical blinds were drawn apart from the balcony door and the floor-to-ceiling windows. Below them, the city was scattered like a circuit array, sparkling and winking with lights. Jacob walked forward toward the glass, staring.
“Not bad, is it?” Kit closed the door behind them and shed his coat.
“I think I’m in the wrong profession,” Jacob said, shaking his head.
Kit came up alongside him, wrapping a hand around his arm. “Where were we?”
Jacob tore his eyes from the view and turned with a flash of a smile. “I think I remember.” He pulled Kit closer, one hand getting rid of the belt and shoving Kit’s trousers farther down to take ahold of his cock. “There?”
Kit shuddered pleasantly. “God, yes.” He groped at Jacob’s shirt, pulling buttons undone one by one. “Huh. Fuzzy.”
“Oh, shut your face, freckles.”
Kit laughed, pushing Jacob back against the glass so he could work his way down the rest of the buttons. As soon as they were undone, Jacob shook both shirt and coat off, letting them land where they fell. His free hand snaked under Kit’s shirt, pulling it up, and his broad palm cupped Kit’s arse.
“Jesus. I could hold your whole arse in one hand….”
Kit squirmed against his hands. “Not exactly what I had in mind for the night,” he said, pulling at Jacob’s belt.
Jacob released Kit’s cock to catch his wrist. “I didn’t plan on this. I mean….” He raised his eyebrows and nodded down.
Kit grinned so widely his cheeks ached. “Don’t move,” he said and dashed for the bathroom. He paused at the door. “Or… y’know… undress. Up to you.”
In the bathroom, he toed off his shoes and kicked off his trousers. They were only in the way anyway. His shirt followed, pulled off over his head. He rattled through the cabinets, his hands shaking with anticipation, and came up victorious. Never hurt to be prepared for all occasions.
The cool evening air hit him as soon as he came back out of the bathroom. The door was open and Jacob was out on the terrace, overlooking the city below. Better yet, he’d ditched his trousers and was absolutely starkers, leaning against the wall of the balcony.
Kit came to the door, leaning against the glass.
Fully dressed, Jacob was good-looking.
Naked, he was a work of art. His shoulders were broad and his waist was narrow, and if Kit’s arse was small enough for him to hold in one hand, his backside was firm and round enough to take both of Kit’s hands.
“Enjoying the view?” he inquired.
Jacob glanced back and his lips twitched. “Yeah. You?”
“It’s never looked quite as good as it does right now,” Kit replied. He stepped down onto the terrace, the stone cool beneath his feet. He’d been out there naked before, but never with company, and it made his heart beat a little faster.
Jacob didn’t turn. “Find what you need?”
“Armed and ready,” Kit replied, coming up behind him. He half expected Jacob to turn, but instead, Jacob just leaned back into him, tilting his head to look at him. Kit splayed his hand low on Jacob’s belly. “What do you fancy?”
When Jacob pushed his hips back against Kit’s groin, Kit almost groaned out loud.
“Surprise me,” Jacob murmured against his lips.
It was either fate or surprise that made him drop the lube.
Kit swore under his breath and went down onto his knees to pick it up. He paused there, admiring a whole other view, and grinned. He left the lube and condoms in a heap and dragged his hands up the back of Jacob’s legs, thumbs sinking into the muscle of his inner thighs.
Jacob made no complaint, shifting his feet a little farther apart. He leaned against the edge of the wall, as if he were doing nothing but admiring the skyline.
Kit watched the rise and fall of the other man’s ribs as he moved his hands up toward his backside. Maybe Jacob was good at playing it cool, but he was breathing harder, and when Kit leaned closer and pressed his mouth to the base of Jacob’s spine, Jacob shuddered as if an electric current had shot through him.
Kit smothered a grin. Very interested, then. He kneaded at Jacob’s backside with both hands, then laved his tongue up the crease of Jacob’s buttocks. The muscles in Jacob’s thighs jumped, and his head dropped forward. Kit could hear him blow out a breath.
“Been a while?” He rubbed his cheek against one buttock.
“Something like that.”
Kit nipped at his backside gently. “I’ll be kind, then.” He slid one hand around in front of the man, teasing his hardening cock, while the other pressed at his backside. He nuzzled the base of Jacob’s back. “Just say when.”
“Mm.” Jacob shifted his weight on the balls of his feet and hissed out another breath when Kit’s tongue darted against him again. His hips pushed forward against Kit’s hand, and Kit grinned at the wordless encouragement, flattening his tongue and licking in broad, greedy str
Jacob’s head dropped forward to rest on his arms and his hips were rocking back to meet Kit’s mouth and forward to meet his hand. Kit could tell he hadn’t had any in a while from how quickly he was getting hard.
“When,” Jacob said hoarsely, only a moment later.
Kit rocked back on his heels, groping down on the ground for the lube and one of the condoms. He managed to get to his feet without releasing Jacob’s cock, though the man groaned as he momentarily tightened his grip.
He draped himself over Jacob’s gorgeous bare back, rubbing his cock against the now-neglected buttocks. “How you holding up?” he asked impishly, propping his chin on Jacob’s hunched shoulders.
“You’re a bugger,” Jacob groaned into his arms.
Kit laughed and pressed a kiss to his shoulder. “Hold your breath and count to ten,” he said. “I’ll show you how nice I can be.”
Jacob nodded, lifting his head and propping his forearms on the wall. He was breathing in, slow and deep. It took three breaths for Kit to get the condom open and on his own aching cock. Another breath to squeeze some lube into his hand, another to warm it up enough not to earn a smack in the mouth.
On the sixth, he pressed his palm to Jacob’s hip. On the seventh, slick fingers slowly pushed into Jacob and he had to bite his own lip to keep from groaning. The eighth breath was a shuddering gasp as Kit curled his fingers, and a shiver ran the length of Jacob’s body. He started rocking back against Kit’s hand, pushing him deeper, until two fingers were buried to the knuckle. Jesus, he was hot.
Kit’s mouth felt dry.
“Hell, yes,” Jacob growled. “You now.”
Kit withdrew his hand and wrapped his palm around his cock, slicking it.
When he’d flirted with the man at the bar, he never expected the evening to go like this. Not the lack of clothes and shagging thing. That was a hope. But out here, like this? Every inch of them bare to the air, goose bumps all over? With the burly older policeman receiving like he was born to? Nope. Never saw that coming.
Jacob pushed back into him as Kit pressed his cock against the older man’s arse. Jesus, he was tight. Jacob tilted his head, looking at Kit between his lashes. He was breathing hard, and as Kit pushed deeper, he slowly straightened, and Jesus, his body clenched. Kit made a small, strangled sound, knocking his forehead against Jacob’s shoulder.
Jacob chuckled suddenly, unexpectedly, and the sound vibrated through his whole body.
“How you holding up?” he asked hoarsely.
Kit had to put a hand out to steady himself against the wall. He wrapped his other arm back around Jacob’s narrow waist, groping blindly for the man’s cock. “So… been a while….”
Jacob’s hand covered his, their fingers tangling around Jacob’s cock. “Fair enough.”
He rocked onto his toes, lifting himself up, then just as slowly sank back down. Kit gasped out loud. He could swear he was about to have a bloody aneurysm from the way his whole body was throbbing all the way down to his balls.
“Christ….” He pressed his mouth to Jacob’s throat, his lips trembling.
He didn’t know which of them started moving first. Maybe both of them. Jacob tilted his head enough to find Kit’s mouth and Kit panted against his lips as his hips crashed against Jacob’s arse. Their fingers were jerking and squeezing together around Jacob’s cock, and Jacob’s head rocked forward, short, panting breaths escaping him.
Kit’s legs were shaking. Jesus. Everything was shaking. Too little to eat, enough booze, and an eager lover. All of it was making his head spin. He buried his face in Jacob’s neck.
“Down,” he panted out.
“Down,” Jacob agreed breathlessly.
It was graceless and clumsy, and they crashed to their knees.
Easier, Kit thought wildly, as Jacob braced his hands on the wall in front of them and shoved back hard against him. Kit wrapped his hands over Jacob’s hips. Pulled him back. They were both gasping now. He started thrusting harder and saw Jacob reaching for his own cock. Every man for himself, he thought, giggling helplessly.
Jacob went tense suddenly. Tight. Jesus Christ.
All it took was a couple more strokes and he was done too. He sprawled forward against Jacob’s broader back, panting hard. Jacob tipped them both sideways, spilling them onto the rough surface of the balcony. They sprawled there, panting and shining with sweat. Kit dragged himself back enough to let his cock slide free. “Mm.”
“Quite.” Jacob’s voice was lower than before.
Kit grinned vaguely at the sky and punched Jacob on the shoulder. “I win.”
Jacob turned onto his back, an amused look on his face. “Really?”
Kit squirmed closer. “Yup,” he said and kissed Jacob full on the mouth, swallowing the other man’s laugh.
Chapter 13
JACOB DIDN’T need an alarm clock to wake him.
A decade of getting up at seven for a run had ingrained itself into his brain. It felt like more of an effort this morning, and as he opened his eyes and found a spread of pale skin on blue sheets in front of him, recollection crashed in on him like a wrecking ball.
He stared blankly at the younger man sprawled out on the bed with him. Kit Rafferty was on his belly, hugging a pillow under his head, his hair sticking in all directions. He was smiling in his sleep.
Jacob squinted around the room.
When he’d decided to have a drink or two at the bar, he’d tried to keep a running tally. It wasn’t that he was a lightweight. It was just that after a certain point, he could still walk and talk and sound completely sober, but the part of him that liked to do bloody stupid stuff came out to play.
Stuff like agree to come home with Rafferty and….
He put a hand over his eyes, a groan of dismay dying in his throat.
The balcony.
Jesus Christ.
As if shagging someone who was part of an ongoing investigation wasn’t bad enough! If anyone had seen them, they could be done for public indecency on top of it, and that would just be the icing on the cake if his colleagues found out.
On top of everything else, he was dying for a piss.
He rolled over to the side of the bed and stumbled upright. His knees ached and he looked down. They were grazed, and the balcony came to mind again. Brilliant. Just brilliant.
It took him three attempts to find the bathroom. For all that Rafferty dressed like he lived under a bridge, his flat was huge. There were rooms filled with engineering gear. There was what looked like a walk-in wardrobe. And thank God, a bathroom that could have fit Jacob’s living room in it.
He did his business, then washed his hands. The water was cool and he scooped up a handful to dash it on his face, in hopes it might wake him up a bit.
There were several problems to deal with. How to make a polite but discreet exit was top of the list. Resisting the urge to go back to the warm bed and get a couple of hours more kip was high up there too. And there were other things he shouldn’t be thinking about doing in that bed as well.
It wasn’t as if he had even learned anything useful about the TRI either.
All things considered, it was time to admit that it had never really been about the TRI.
It was all about the fact that someone had shown an interest in him for the first time in months, and he’d actually let himself notice. It was his brain getting sick of nearly two years of self-imposed celibacy. It was a grinning redhead with a smile like sunshine.
One night.
That was what they’d both agreed.
One night of shagging and grazed knees.
That was enough of it. No more being bloody stupid because he was gagging for a shag. They’d done enough the night before to stop him being distracted for a while. At least in theory.
He padded back out into the apartment.
There were clothes scattered here and there. He found his trouser
s over the back of the sofa and pulled them on. His shirt and jacket were by the door of the balcony, and God only knew where he’d left his shoes. He searched around and spotted one under the coffee table.
By the time he found the second, he heard the shuffle of sleepy feet at the bedroom door.
“Don’t you want breakfast?”
Jacob looked over his shoulder, then wished he hadn’t. Rafferty didn’t seem to have a bashful bone in his body. He was standing in the doorway of the bedroom, leaning against the frame, all pale skin and copper hair and freckles everywhere.
“I need to change before work,” Jacob said, sitting down to pull on his shoes.
Rafferty was silent for a moment, then retreated back into the bedroom.
When Jacob stood up, shoes on, Rafferty emerged again, this time wearing boxer shorts.
“Some toast, at least,” he offered, and his smile was there, still bright. “It’ll take what? Ten minutes?”
Jacob frowned at the buttons of his shirt as he did them up. One of them got in the wrong hole and knocked all the others out of alignment. “I shouldn’t have come.”
“Mm.” Rafferty was suddenly in front of him, swatting his hands away from his shirt. His nimble fingers undid the wrong buttons and started to redo them. “I love the smell of regret in the morning.” He met Jacob’s eyes. “Tell me you didn’t have fun.”
Jacob closed his hands over Kit’s, holding them still. “It’s not about that,” he said. “It’s about the fact you’re part of an ongoing investigation, even if it’s only in the sidelines. It’s about the fact I shouldn’t even be speaking to you in a personal capacity, let alone—”
“Let alone getting buggered by me?” Kit’s smile had faded to something softer, more serious. “It was one night. No one’ll know but us. And anyway, it’s not like I kidnapped my boss and am holding him for ransom, so you won’t need to arrest me or anything.”
It was a relief to know it wouldn’t be held against him.
Jacob squeezed Kit’s hands. “And I did have fun.”
The grin returned like a flash of fire. “Believe me, I could tell.” He leaned closer and dropped a quick, chaste kiss on Jacob’s lips. “But now, breakfast. Toast or full English?”